Package | Description |
org.bukkit.event.player | |
org.spigotmc.event.player |
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
AsyncPlayerChatEvent |
This event will sometimes fire synchronously, depending on how it was
class |
PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent |
future versions of Minecraft do not have achievements
class |
PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent |
Called when a player has completed all criteria in an advancement.
class |
PlayerAnimationEvent |
Represents a player animation event
class |
PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent |
Called when a player interacts with an armor stand and will either swap, retrieve or place an item.
class |
PlayerBedEnterEvent |
This event is fired when the player is almost about to enter the bed.
class |
PlayerBedLeaveEvent |
This event is fired when the player is leaving a bed.
class |
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent |
Called when a player empties a bucket
class |
PlayerBucketEvent |
Called when a player interacts with a Bucket
class |
PlayerBucketFillEvent |
Called when a player fills a bucket
class |
PlayerChangedMainHandEvent |
Called when a player changes their main hand in the client settings.
class |
PlayerChangedWorldEvent |
Called when a player switches to another world.
class |
PlayerChannelEvent |
This event is called after a player registers or unregisters a new plugin
class |
PlayerChatEvent |
This event will fire from the main thread and allows the use of
all of the Bukkit API, unlike the
AsyncPlayerChatEvent . |
class |
PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent |
This event is no longer fired due to client changes
class |
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent |
This event is called whenever a player runs a command (by placing a slash
at the start of their message).
class |
PlayerCommandSendEvent |
This event is called when the list of available server commands is sent to
the player.
class |
PlayerDropItemEvent |
Thrown when a player drops an item from their inventory
class |
PlayerEditBookEvent |
Called when a player edits or signs a book and quill item.
class |
PlayerEggThrowEvent |
Called when a player throws an egg and it might hatch
class |
PlayerExpChangeEvent |
Called when a players experience changes naturally
class |
PlayerFishEvent |
Thrown when a player is fishing
class |
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent |
Called when the GameMode of the player is changed.
class |
PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent |
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity that
also contains the location where the entity was clicked.
class |
PlayerInteractEntityEvent |
Represents an event that is called when a player right clicks an entity.
class |
PlayerInteractEvent |
Represents an event that is called when a player interacts with an object or
air, potentially fired once for each hand.
class |
PlayerItemBreakEvent |
Fired when a player's item breaks (such as a shovel or flint and steel).
class |
PlayerItemConsumeEvent |
This event will fire when a player is finishing consuming an item (food,
potion, milk bucket).
class |
PlayerItemDamageEvent |
class |
PlayerItemHeldEvent |
Fired when a player changes their currently held item
class |
PlayerItemMendEvent |
Represents when a player has an item repaired via the Mending enchantment.
class |
PlayerJoinEvent |
Called when a player joins a server
class |
PlayerKickEvent |
Called when a player gets kicked from the server
class |
PlayerLevelChangeEvent |
Called when a players level changes
class |
PlayerLocaleChangeEvent |
Called when a player changes their locale in the client settings.
class |
PlayerLoginEvent |
Stores details for players attempting to log in
class |
PlayerMoveEvent |
Holds information for player movement events
class |
PlayerPickupArrowEvent |
Thrown when a player picks up an arrow from the ground.
class |
PlayerPickupItemEvent |
class |
PlayerPortalEvent |
Called when a player is about to teleport because it is in contact with a
class |
PlayerQuitEvent |
Called when a player leaves a server
class |
PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent |
Called when a player discovers a new recipe in the recipe book.
class |
PlayerRegisterChannelEvent |
This is called immediately after a player registers for a plugin channel.
class |
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent |
Called when a player takes action on a resource pack request sent via
Player.setResourcePack(java.lang.String) . |
class |
PlayerRespawnEvent |
Called when a player respawns.
class |
PlayerRiptideEvent |
This event is fired when the player activates the riptide enchantment, using
their trident to propel them through the air.
class |
PlayerShearEntityEvent |
Called when a player shears an entity
class |
PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent |
Called when a player statistic is incremented.
class |
PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent |
Called when a player swap items between main hand and off hand using the
class |
PlayerTeleportEvent |
Holds information for player teleport events
class |
PlayerToggleFlightEvent |
Called when a player toggles their flying state
class |
PlayerToggleSneakEvent |
Called when a player toggles their sneaking state
class |
PlayerToggleSprintEvent |
Called when a player toggles their sprinting state
class |
PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent |
This is called immediately after a player unregisters for a plugin channel.
class |
PlayerVelocityEvent |
Called when the velocity of a player changes.
Modifier and Type | Class | Description |
class |
PlayerSpawnLocationEvent |
Called when player is about to spawn in a world after joining the server.
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